Info on the introduction of EES and ETIAS

Ljubaznošću Ministartva garđevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture prosleđujemo Vam sledeće obaveštenje:

Sekretarijat Transporte zajednice donjim mailom i prilozima najavljuje novine koje uvodi EU za prevoznike (air, sea, and land carriers) i putnike/turiste:

– Entry Exit System (EES) – od jeseni ove godine,

– ETIAS – the European Travel Authorisation – od sredine 2025. godine.


Dear Members of the Regional Steering Committee and Observing Participants,

Last week, the TCT team met with representatives of Frontex, a European Border and Coast Guard Agency. The meeting was held on the subject that the European Union is introducing two major changes affecting travel to 30 European countries:

  1. The first is the which requires all non-EU nationals entering most European countries to register their fingerprints and facial images at the border. This process will enter into force in the Autumn of this year.
  2. The second major change is ETIAS – the European Travel Authorisation – similar to the US ESTA, Canadian EtA, or Australia and/or New Zealand’s ETA. ETIAS will be required from all visa-exempt nationals: 1,4 billion non-EU nationals from 60 visa-free countries will have to apply online for an ETIAS before they start their travel and pay a 7 EUR fee. ETIAS will enter into force in mid-2025. 30 European countries will require ETIAS. The entire travel and tourism industry facilitating travel to Europe will be affected by this change, including not only travellers but also carriers (including air, sea, and land carriers).

More information about ETIAS can be found on the EU official website:

On behalf of the ETIAS/Assistance Centre Unit and ETIAS Outreach, we have received the following documents in the attachment:

  1. A presentation delivered by ACU;
  2. A briefing note, containing the basic aspects of the implementation of EES and ETIAS, and their impact on carriers;
  3. A leaflet for public awareness of travellers regarding ETIAS;
  4. Leaflets are dedicated to air, sea, and land carriers.

We have been informed to feel free to use this material to inform the travellers’ and carriers’ community about the upcoming changes. Please be so kind as to distribute this information to all relevant stakeholders.